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Closing the Engagement Gap

If You Don’t Get This Right It Will Cost You

[dropcap style=”style3″]A[/dropcap]s organizational leaders we hear about engagement and read engagement surveys but at times we fail to understand the true impact of the issue.

I recently hosted a live webinar that dealt with the existence and the measurement of the “engagement gap” in organizations. I discussed various methodologies that leader’s can adopt to improve engagement in the workplace. I believe that at their core employees want to make a difference. However, leadership often fails to create the right environment for employee engagement. Enlightened leaders understand that it’s up to them to ensure that employees chose to put all of themselves into their work. And these leaders also know that engagement is a business imperative, especially in today’s complex, global, rapidly changing business environment.


In preparation for the webinar I focussed my research on the financial impact of engagement or rather it’s sinister twin “disengagement.” What happens when leadership fails to execute on the competencies required to close the engagement gap? What follows is a summary of my findings.

North American Workplace Engagement:

31.5% Engaged (Inspired at work, so we can assume they have a great boss)
51.0% Not engaged (They’re just kind of present, but not inspired by their work or their managers)
17.5% Actively Disengaged (These employees, who have bosses from hell that make them miserable, roam the halls spreading discontent)
Source: Gallup 2014

The Quit and Stay Employees

A growing percentage of employees are doing what we call “quit and stay” continuing to work at the organization, but going through the motions. Once disengaged:
55% say their performance declined
55% say they spent time on non-work related activities
49% say they did only what was required to get the job done
47% say they complained about the organization to their co-workers
Source: McLean & Company

Workgroups With High Levels of Engagement Experience:

22% higher profitability
21% higher productivity
10% higher customer engagement
37% lower absenteeism
65% lower turnover
48% few safety incidents
Source: Gallup 2013

The Impact:

Gallup estimates that a disengaged employee costs and organization approximately $3,400 for every $10,000 of salary.

Disengaged employees cost the American economy up to $350 billion a year due to lost productivity.

Disengagement breeds disengagement. A disengaged employee’s negative attitude has a multiplying effect on peer performance, productivity, creativity, retention and engagement.
Source: Gallup 2013

Need Assistance With Engagement in Your Workplace?

My passion as a leadership consultant and executive coach is to bridge the gap between people and possibilities. In essence, unlocking potential at a corporate and individual level. I am an advocate of people skills and profitability — don’t get me wrong. However, profitability is truly sustainable when there are high levels of engagement at all levels of the company.

Imagine an organization where most employees are fully engaged. Not only do they show up, but consistently do exceptional work. They innovate. They deliver superior customer service. And they go out of their way to help the company manage costs and make a profit. They behave this way not because they’re expected to, but because they want to. Is this something you want in your department or organization? If so, I can help you.

Let’s talk! 604.943.0800 or email me at for more information.

Have a great week!


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Inscape Consulting Group
Greg Nichvalodoff, BSc. BM (Honors), MBA, PCC, CMC
Office: 604.943.0800
Mobile: 604.831.4734